Thursday, March 10, 2011

An exciting drive back along the beach 22km

Last shot of beautiful Hellfire Bay .....

the three Lawlor 'girls'!!

The 22km drive along an amazing beach!! It was like a highway except for the last 6 kms into Wylie Beach .... but Gary drove like a veteran ...he is!!

We leave beautiful Esperance tomorrow and head across the Nulla .............. won't read from us until we get to sunny Sth Australia - Ceduna!!
Cheers to everyone ..... try and enjoy your daily grunt while the Tanami continues its travels to the East!!
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1 comment:

  1. Jen, What a marvelous story you are telling! Fantastic to be able to follow and to see you all enjoying yourselves. Loved the photos of the girls, especially at Gary's 50th! They are growing so fast. Love to you all. J xox
