Monday, March 21, 2011

Colton Bakery & Elliston on the way to Coffin Bay

This is an amazing bakery in the middle of nowhere! It was about 12kms to the nearest little town Elliston.
Its called Colton Bakery specializing in wood fire baked bread and has been opened here since 1861!! According to the blurb its been making bread the same manner for the last 150 years.

We bought a packet of sticky buns, 6 lunch rolls and a wholemeal loaf all for $10.50!! Its based on a honesty system - put cash in a money tin and grab the bread of your choice $3.50 a pop! It was excellent yummy bread!

This is obviously the girls posing in a foolish but happy manner while standing on Elliston historic jetty .... I can't quite tell you why its historic besides being around for a long time ... I guess!
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